Wanting to be good at everything…

It’s impossible yes I know…to be good at everything, but its what I think to some extent, each one of us strive so much for. And me, yes of course …I find that it definitely overwhelms me every so often. I don’t think its something we can help much really. I have so many totes, drawers and spaces designated to all the various crafts and hobbies that I love. As in becoming overwhelmed…well for starters all of the space that is taken up by all the books, supplies etc.…ha, and also that feeling I get when I see that teach yourself drums book I never quite finished, or the bunch of jewelry supplies that lie there only collecting dust.

The one hobby I have had for about 7 years is photography. It has been the one that has stayed since I began, and continues to be a passion. The video here on YouTube is one that I uploaded when I had a few people interested in booking a photography session awhile ago. I look at it now and think I could go back and re-edit and change the photo’s so they would be better but actually I like looking at them and seeing the wee bit I’ve learned since then. I definitely want to learn more, and so so desire to have a mentor of some type. 

In the hopes of a move to the big city….this mentor will be easier to find there. Anyway, Im just glad to be able to have the time and ability to fill up my time by finding things that I enjoy….if only for a day or two. Hope your day is wonderful, and your helping to spread the love. Cheers!

I appreciate any and all comments!!